16 Marshall Laing Avenue, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand
Terminator Pest Control, has excellent results treating fleas. First stage is to properly indentify, that the problem is actually fleas, and not bed bugs. That is where 20 years of experience, and good customer communication skills come in handy. Fleas can appear in wooden floors just as easy as carpeted floors. In order to give the best possible treatment, I always add IGR (Insect Growth Regulator), to help break the Fleas life cycle. It is my personal belief, that no flea treatment can kill the Flea egg, as it is covered by shell, and the same with the Larvae, which is a fully formed flea, but not yet hatched, inside a skin cocoon. Eggs and also the larvae have been known to lay dorminant inside empty homes, and after a year, suddenly hatch as a person enters the building. I never guarantee a flea job for the first 6 to 8 weeks, as living adult fleas die pretty much straight away, but eggs turn to larvae, and larvae hatch during that period, they bite ferociously, and as humans are not hairy, they jump back onto the floor, and die on the sprayed surfaces.