16 Marshall Laing Avenue, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand
Terminator Pest Control has been called to many Bumble Bee Jobs over the years and unfortunately the subject of Bumble Bees can be very emotional to some folk. Some see them as simply bees doing good work, some dont realise they sting, and believe you me, they really hurt. others want me to take them away for free and relocate them. So I will now start with some facts about Bumble Bees. They have zero attraction for a bee keeper, as they produce nothing of value. They do produce small quanities of a type of Honey, which is not edible, and looks like road tar. A honey bee Queen has a value to bee keepers of around $60.00, a bumble bee queen has no value at all, and in fact Green House Keepers are the only ones I know who actually want the odd colony for propagation work in their glasshouses. Last I heard, they only paid $25.00 for a hive delivered to them. My advise is, if you have a hive on your section, and it causes no trouble, leave it alone, as Bumble Bees are great propagators in your garden, if you get stung then its time to do something. I have had Commercial jobs where container drivers have refused to transport containers in or out of certain locations as the drivers have been stung. With the vast work experience I have I can quickly find a solution for your requirments by phone.