16 Marshall Laing Avenue, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand
Terminator Pest Control is also a Hobbyist Registered Bee Keeper, A9033. *But Please Note*. This Swarm Collection is not a Free Service. I am a Beekeeper, as my Grand Father before me was also. It is my Interest and my Hobby, and not a money making venture, in fact it is the dead opposite of that. Each swarm I collect goes into a hive at my Apiary, at a cost of about $150.00 per hive, there are registration fees per hive, pollens, supplements, equipment, the list is long. The bees have to be treated for disease, as soon as the swarm is collected.
Truth is, the world needs Bees, and many Bee Keepers look upon their Hobby as doing Gods work on earth.
Now every so often a swarm may arrive at your home or section, and you either do not see it, or you hope it will go of it’s own accord. Sometimes it does but other times it may set up a hive inside your wall, or under your roof, I have even seen wild hives in compost bins. So now as the homeowner you have 2 choices. Do something about it, or don’t. Now this is where I come in very useful. I have a foot in both camps, Pest Control with 20 years experience, and I’m a Bee Keeper. I know what can be saved, and what cant be saved. That decision is usually a financial one, cost of saving as opposed to destroying the hive. What most folk do not realise is that a bee hive or a wasp nest growing insaide your wall produce moisture and lots of it. Eventually the nest grows to the size that it now touches your inside gib board wall lining and they are like blotting paper sucking that moisture up and then the gib collaspes leaving a dinner plate size hole in your wall lining.