16 Marshall Laing Avenue, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand
Terminator Pest Control recommends a Yearly Fly Treatment Service for both Residential homes and Commercial offices and Food processing businesses, Takeaways, Dairies and Superettes. Many of those Businesses also need a Pest Control Certificate, to meet Auckland Council Regulations for Food Premises. We do it all.
New Zealand is home to some 4000 species of flies, but worldwide, there are more than 122000 species, and worldwide, flies make up the 4th largest order of all insects.
Fly Control in New Zealand has a long season, usually starting in Spring, and lasting through to mid Autumn.
Flies spread disease by contaminating food, causing illness. They leave Fly dirt all over your ceilings, and annoy the hell out of you by continually landing on you on a hot day.
The benefit of a yearly spray to the customers home, is that it also keeps all other flying and crawling insects under control